Friday, January 24, 2014

Cinnamon for suppressing damping off?

I see that cinnamon is supposed to have anti fungal properties, and is recommended for rooting new plants.

So would it help suppress fungal growth that causes damping off in seedlings?  This source says yes.

Bonus points if it also discourages fungus gnats!

Picked up a bottle at the dollar store and sprinkled it over some newly planted seeds. We will see what happens. 

This is a planting of kale and chard, by the way.  In January in Houston I plant the cold-hardy fast-growers (can set them outside within three weeks because they'll survive a frost) and also planting the slower-starting warm-season veggies, like eggplant, peppers, and tomato. 


  1. hard to say. I got poor germination from that batch, but not sure of the cause. This year I'm just planting directly outdoors for things like kale and chard.
